Rosie Batty Luncheon

Saturday 13th August 2016

Our Ashy Redbacks club is large and diverse. We have families from all aspects of Australian life, but that does not make us immune from the challenges that we face as a broader community.


We recognise that footy is the heart of our collective community and we understand that our role at the club extends further than just our players, it is a total family affair. With this knowledge, we welcome the opportunity to provide an exclusive luncheon with Rosie Batty.

Rosie has experienced a parents worst tragedy, losing her son whilst he was training at his junior cricket club. Since then she has made it her mission to give victims of family violence a voice and make it every Australian’s business.

Rosie is totally committed to making a difference.

Join us on Saturday 13th August at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club for a luncheon where you can hear Rosie's message and have the opportunity to ask her questions around how we can stand together with her and the Never Alone campaign. 

Never Alone Campaign

We urge you to also stand together on this incredibly important community topic by lending your name to the Never Alone campaign. The Never Alone campaign will stand with the victims of family violence so that they are supported in the community and have a voice in the corridors of power.